It is sometimes said that the shortest way home is often the longest way around!
Our journey through life can take us through unpredictable twists and turns. The miracle in all of this is you are still here, still the object of God's love and care. Christ, as the Good Shepherd, has never lost sight of any of his sheep, even though they may have wandered off here or there.
Our Lord knows the terrainof our lives too well. Sometimes he will search us out, other times we will patiently wait for us to return to the place we know he is waiting. Sometimes, the shepherd might throw a stone or something to get our attention or startle us to take notice.
If you have been away from the Church, whatever the circumstance, home is always waiting, comfort and healing is assured. You can simply introduce yourself to the pastor or deacon after any of the Masses, seek spiritual healing and advise from the priest during Confession, or make
contact with us and we'll make sure you'll find the welcome and relief to make it home again.